Young and Restless Read online

Page 4

  “Yes,” Doctor Juarez answered. “You’re pregnant.”

  “I’m what?” Cristal asked.

  “You’re pregnant, about three months.”

  “But that’s impossible.”

  Doctor Juarez chuckled. “No, it isn’t. You’re sexually active, you haven’t seen your menstrual cycle in three months and you’re nauseated. Believe me, you’re going to have a baby.”

  Cristal broke out in a cold sweat. She couldn’t be having a baby. She had so many things to do and places to be.

  “I’m writing you a prescription for folic acid and prenatal vitamins. And I want you to make sure you find an obstetrician when you return to Osaka. Your baby is due in December. I’m sure you and the father will have a lot to celebrate.”

  “The father?” Oh, my God, Kioshi! She could never tell him. He was just nineteen with a brilliant future ahead of him. She couldn’t do that to him.

  Chapter Four

  Madrid by night is simply beautiful, Cristal thought as she and the others visited Canalejas Square with its art deco buildings mostly owned by banks. They were in the heart of Madrid’s financial area, taking pictures like tourists and learning about its history. Hiroyuki had wanted to see the place since anything involving money and business interested him.

  They had rolled out of the hotel in two SUVs. Shiro drove one and Kenshin drove the other.

  “How are you feeling?” Kioshi asked her when he caught up with her.

  Cristal had been busy taking pictures to put in some upcoming publicity books for Distraction and Aomori. “I’m feeling better. The doctor gave me something to settle my stomach.”

  “What doctor?” Kioshi asked.

  Oops. I wasn’t supposed to tell him this. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. One of the ladies at the reservation desk recommended a doctor when I went down to try to find an antacid after you guys left.”

  “You should have told me that you needed an antacid,” Kioshi said angrily. “I could have stayed with you today or I could have gone with you to see the doctor.”

  “I’m a big girl, Ki,” she said calling him by the pet named she’d given him. “I can take myself to a doctor, and besides, I couldn’t take you away from your fan meeting.”

  Kioshi glared at her. “You’re my number one priority. I promised your father I would take care of you.”

  Cristal had to smile. Nineteen or not, Kioshi acted more manly than any of the guys she’d ever dated, and he was certainly more mature mentally than the guys of Aomori. He was responsible and attentive and caring. He was also set in his ways about his role in their relationship. In his mind, he was the guy so he was responsible for protecting her. It didn’t matter that she was older and taller than him. “I know and I love you for it, but I didn’t want to worry you.”

  Kioshi pulled her to him. “Worry me, Cris. That’s what I’m here for.”

  “I will,” Cristal promised.

  “Time to go, you guys,” Shiro said.

  They got back into the vans and Shiro pulled away from the curb.

  Cristal looked out of the windows. Things were going by in a blur as Shiro maneuvered his way down the street following the van containing the members of Aomori. Usually, she rode with them when they toured, but Kioshi insisted that she accompany him in the kiddie van as he’d put it.

  Hiroyuki rode up front with Shiro and Izanagi sat next to Saburo. Although Saburo was their manager, he was still a young guy and liked to go out clubbing too. Shiro finally turned the van into a parking lot of a huge club.

  “Wow, look at this place,” Izanagi said as they all stepped out of the rides. “It looks like we’re in Vegas.”

  Cristal agreed. Aomori had dragged her into many clubs but none more impressive than this one. “Are you sure Distraction is old enough to get in?” she asked Saburo.

  “Very sure,” their manager answered. “I called ahead and found out, but that doesn’t mean I want you guys getting drunk.”

  “I hope that doesn’t include us,” Satoshi said playfully.

  “Yes, try not to get into a fight,” Saburo replied.

  Cristal chuckled.

  “You either, missy,” Saburo said. “Mr. Niigata would kill me if I let something happen to you.”

  “Didn’t he retire?” Izanagi asked as they walked toward the entrance.

  “Yes,” Yori answered. “So I think he means Keiichi.”

  “You guys don’t have to worry about me,” Cristal assured them. “But I have your back,” she said pointing to her shoes.

  Takumijo chuckled like he was remembering their little altercation in Sweden when she had to use one of her stilettos to beat the heck out of a guy in a fight.

  Saburo paid the cover charges for them and they all entered. The music was loud but familiar. The dance floor was jam-packed with a variety of people from Kioshi’s age to those older than Aomori. And they all seemed to be having fun singing along with the songs and interacting with the D. J.

  Takumijo found two tables big enough so that they could all sit down together.

  Young women dragged the members of Distraction to the dance floor before they could sit down.

  Cristal sat down.

  “Don’t you care that your boyfriend is dancing with some girl?” Takumijo asked her.

  “Hell no,” Cristal said. “I let him have fun every now and then.”

  “Smart woman,” Yori said just before he got dragged off by a voluptuous blonde.

  Cristal relaxed in her seat. So far so good. Hopefully the rest of the tour would go by uneventful.

  At the table with her were Takumijo and Terrie and they were nursing alcoholic drinks while she sipped a diet soda. “Why aren’t the two of you dancing?”

  “We’re trying to get the feel of the place,” Terrie answered.

  “Oh.” She knew he meant that they didn’t want to offend anyone. She looked around for Hiroyuki and Shiro. They were dancing with Izanagi and some girl like they didn’t have a care in the world. She didn’t think it was good that they couldn’t have fun too. “I can have Kenshin find us a club a little more non-judgmental.”

  “We’re cool,” Takumijo said. “We don’t mind babysitting you for the platinum demon.”

  Cristal smirked. “Oh, Kioshi would just love that name.”

  “He’s pretty cool, even for a half-pint,” Takumijo said.

  Terrie hit him on the arm. “Hey, he and I are about the same height.”

  “You’re pretty cool too,” Takumijo said.

  “Thanks, I think,” Terrie said.

  “Where are the cameramen?” Cristal asked.

  “They’re around,” Terrie answered. “Mr. Chikako told them not to bother you guys too much.”

  “How exactly do you know him?” Cristal asked.

  “We met on a movie set,” Terrie answered. “I was hired as a makeup person for some of the actors. The two of us got to talking during breaks and we’ve been friends ever since.”

  Cristal wondered if the two of them had ever been lovers. She didn’t want to anger either of them by asking. “So which one of these guys is the easiest to work with?”

  “Takumijo,” Terrie answered. “He doesn’t care what I put on him as long as he’s gorgeous.”

  “Damn skippy,” Takumijo replied.

  “Who is the hardest?”

  “Ichiro,” Terrie answered.

  “But he’s your brother. He should be used to makeup by now.”

  “He doesn’t like to wear a lot of cosmetics now,” Terrie explained. “He said it makes him look like a girl.”

  Cristal chuckled. “Have you actually noticed how beautiful all these guys are? It’s like Mother Nature handpicked them.”

  “Of course I’ve noticed,” Terrie said. “Yori and Hiroyuki have the most delicate features, and Satoshi and Kioshi have the best eyes. I like Hiroyuki’s mouth. It’s full and easier to work with. And Takumijo and Izanagi don’t sweat quite as much as the others so they need only the smalle
st amount of touch up.”

  “What about Ichiro?”

  “It’s like looking in a freaky mirror,” Terrie said. “I know what cosmetics I like to wear and I just want to go wild on his face with dark eyeliner to make those blue eyes pop and more blush to bring out those stellar cheekbones.”

  “How would you do me?” Cristal asked.

  “I would use a darker eye shadow because you have light colored eyes, and a lighter lipstick shade. You have that peaches and cream complexion so you don’t need much makeup.”

  “You are kind of pretty for a girl,” Takumijo teased. “But only I know what you look like without makeup.”

  “What does she look like?” Terrie asked him.

  “Like the girl next door,” Takumijo said. “Cristal is the type of woman you won’t mind taking home to meet your parents.”

  “Thanks, Tak,” Cristal said trying not to blush. He was in a very good mood. Most of the time, he only bragged about himself.

  “She’s cool,” Takumijo said. “Out of all the women in our lives, she’s the only one I know that has my back.”

  “You guys are the greatest big brothers in the world,” Cristal said. She wondered what he would think of her if he knew that she was carrying a future idol in her womb.

  Kioshi made it back over to the table and kissed her on the cheek. “Are you having fun?”

  “Of course I am. I’m sitting here chatting with Takumijo and Terrie while you’re getting sweaty.”

  He turned to Takumijo. “Shiro told me to tell you it’s that kind of place.”

  “Thanks,” Takumijo said. “Come on, Terrie, let’s dance.”

  Terrie hopped out of his seat and followed his lover to the dance floor.

  Kioshi called for a waiter. The guy came over quickly. “I’ll have an iced tea and bring another one for my lady.” The waiter left. “Have I told you lately how beautiful you are? Your skin is so clear and your eyes are like bright lights.”

  Tears welled up in Cristal eyes. “Thanks, Ki. You make me very happy.” She guessed he wasn’t mad at her anymore.

  “You make me happy too, Cristal. Tomorrow night we’re going to sneak off from these guys and go out on a date alone.”

  “I’ll look forward to that. I heard Madrid can be very romantic by starlight.”


  “Let’s go see this place by daylight,” Izanagi suggested to his band mates, Hiroyuki and Kioshi. Shiro was with them too. The guys of Aomori were recovering from hangovers and he doubted if any of them would wake up and leave the hotel before noon.

  Cristal had gone with Masaaki and Saburo to check out the city and make sure their concerts were being properly publicized, leaving Distraction to fend for themselves. Well, not really. Saburo had left Shiro in charge of them, which technically was the same thing.

  “Where are you kiddies off to?”

  Kioshi looked toward the door of the room and saw Satoshi standing in it.

  “We’re not off to anywhere,” Izanagi lied.

  Satoshi entered the room. “Dude, it’s me you’re talking to. You got ‘I’m about to make a run for it’ written all over you.”

  “We’re going shopping,” Shiro answered. “Iggy needs stuff.”

  Satoshi appeared interested. “What kind of stuff? You guys aren’t trying to buy illegal substances are you?”

  Kioshi frowned at him. “No. We don’t need drugs to cope with life. Iggy needs clothes and trinkets. It’s his thing.”

  “Oh, why didn’t you say so?” Satoshi said. “Can I come?”

  The members of Distraction and Shiro looked at each other.

  “You want to hang out with us?” Shiro asked.

  Satoshi nodded.

  “Cool, man,” he said excitedly.

  Kioshi smirked. It didn’t take much to make Shiro happy.

  “But we can’t go shopping looking like this,” Satoshi said. “Your fans will surely recognize you. And since I guess you have no plans to take bodyguards along with you then you’ll need disguises.”

  “What kind of disguises?” Hiroyuki asked.

  “Sunglasses and caps. That auburn hair of yours will definitely get you noticed,” Satoshi said looking him over.

  Hiroyuki backed away to a safe distance.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Satoshi asked. “I’m not going to bite you.”

  “A cap?” Kioshi asked. “I don’t want to muss my hair.”

  “Do you want to get mobbed?” Satoshi asked.

  Kioshi shook his head. “No.”

  “Then put on a damn hat.”

  The five of them rode the elevator up to their rooms and then met up again in the hotel lobby.

  “Let’s roll,” Satoshi said.

  They walked nonchalantly out of the hotel, got into one of the vans, and left the area.

  Shiro drove them directly to one of the biggest malls. He had the best sense of direction of anyone Kioshi knew.

  “Try not to get lost,” Satoshi said to them as they entered the mall. “Wait. Do any of you guys know how to speak Spanish?”

  “Si, señor. Mi casa es su casa,” Kioshi said.

  “Even I know that much,” Satoshi said sarcastically. “Maybe we should all stick together. I would hate to have to explain to Cristal that I lost her dumpling in the mall.”

  Shiro, Hiroyuki, and Izanagi laughed.

  Kioshi scowled at them. “Bite me.”

  Five Japanese wearing disguises drew a lot attention. People peeped at them trying to guess their identities as they walked the huge mall. Some brave young women even pulled out their camera phones and just took their pictures without asking.

  Izanagi stopped outside an electronics store. “I read about this company on the internet. They’re supposed to have some real cool gadgets.”

  Kioshi sighed. Izanagi had enough gadgets to open his own store. But they still foolishly followed him in knowing this.

  While Izanagi and Shiro checked out cell phones, Satoshi looked at the latest tablets. Kioshi followed Hiroyuki over to the music CDs. That’s when Kioshi noticed three girls watching him as he made his way to the register to pay for his items.

  Satoshi arrived at the register next.

  “I think we have company,” Kioshi said to him. He pointed toward the girls who were now huddled together, giggling.

  “Oh,” Satoshi said. “I guess they recognized you even with the disguise.” He waved at the young women and they giggled more.

  “Don’t encourage them,” Kioshi said. “They’ll just think it is okay to come over and talk to us.”

  “But they’re your fans. They make it possible for you to wear those sporty outfits and pay for those CDs.”

  Hiroyuki walked right past the young women without noticing them.

  But they noticed him. They squealed, nearly frightening him to death. He dropped one of his CDs. Hiroyuki stooped to pick it up and then he quickly walked over to the register. “Fan girls,” he said breathlessly.

  Izanagi and Shiro appeared next and the girls squealed again. One brave soul pulled out her camera phone and took their picture. They left the store without incident.

  Satoshi and the others paid for their purchases and walked out and headed for another place to shop.

  Kioshi picked out a new outfit to wear on his date with Cristal later.

  Izanagi finally got all that he would be able to carry and was ready to leave.

  “Uh oh,” Satoshi said as they exited the mall into the parking lot.

  Kioshi frowned. Crap. The area was busy with fans waiting for them and blocking access to the van. It never failed to amaze him how they could assemble that fast. Someone had been smart enough to notify the security. Armed officers appeared but kept a safe distance from the mass of fans. Everyone was speaking rapidly in Spanish.

  “Kioshi!” one of them screamed.

  Drat. Kioshi raised his hand and waved. Seconds later more cameras appeared and the young women began taking their pictures.
br />   “Satoshi!” another one screamed.

  “Darn,” Satoshi said as he waved. “I guess my disguise didn’t work either.”

  “How are we going to get out of here?” Hiroyuki asked.

  “You’re the leader,” Kioshi said. “Think of something.”

  “How come you only mention that when we’re in trouble?” Hiroyuki asked.

  Kioshi shrugged.

  “You guys wait here,” Satoshi said. He walked toward the guards, said something to them and then he walked back.

  The guards moved toward the crowd and made a path for them.

  “Come on,” Satoshi said to them. “Let’s get out of here.”

  All five of them hurried to the van and climbed in.

  The young women began chanting their names and singing one of Distraction’s songs.

  Izanagi continued to wave at them and the fans began taking their pictures through the windows.

  The guards cleared another path for them, allowing Shiro to drive away safely.

  Kioshi held his breath until they had made it back to the freeway. “That could have turned out differently.”

  “Yes,” Satoshi agreed.

  “Dude, I thought you couldn’t speak Spanish,” Izanagi said to Satoshi.

  “Lesson one, grasshoppers: never go to a foreign country without learning enough of their language to get your ass out of trouble,” Satoshi said wisely.

  Shiro laughed from the driver’s seat. “You’re okay, Satoshi. We’ll have to do this again sometime.”

  Kioshi agreed. It took a little while but he now understood why Cristal had loved him. Under that bad boy image, Satoshi was kind of nice. But Kioshi still did not trust him around his woman.


  The nausea had subsided since Cristal discovered ginger ale. She had left the hotel early to get some promotion work done for both Aomori and Distraction and had returned to prepare for her date with Kioshi.

  Shiro and Hiroyuki would be accompanying them since Kioshi didn’t know his way around Madrid yet and to have their first real date as a couple.

  Cristal checked her makeup one last time in the mirror. Her eyes looked bright and her cheeks were rosy and there were no signs that could give away her secret. She also dressed in non-constrictive clothing so she could eat without getting indigestion. She didn’t know how long it would be before her pregnancy would show, but she had to make a decision and make it fast one way or the other.