A Christmas Song Page 4
Denise wondered how the rehearsal was going. She hadn’t heard them play in a while. She decided not to bother them. The next crew of managers should be arriving soon, giving her and Bernard time off to relax before tomorrow. To tell the truth she was really tired and could use the rest. Tomorrow her work day would begin at six and sometime in between work and the benefit, she had to slip off to go to the beautician and have her nails done. Then she still had to do a little shopping and pick up her gown for the benefit. If nothing deterred her, she might get everything done on time. Denise finished up, left her office, and went off to welcome the next crew.
§ § §
It was close to midnight when their rehearsal ended. Vince had left first after they put the instruments away and gone in search of his masseuse for his nightly massage.
M. J. had dashed off to his room to rest. Trent smiled. He bet M. J. hadn’t made it past Bernard’s room. That just left him and Dante.
“Do you want to go to the bar for a drink?”
Dante shook his head. “No, man. I’m tired. I think I’m going to call it a night and give Annette a call before I go to sleep.”
“Are you going to invite her down here to spend the holidays?”
Dante shook his head. “She has to work. The airlines are pretty busy this time of year. She told me she’d try to see me before we go on tour.”
Trent didn’t like the sound of this. Dante sounded heart-sick and Trent hoped he wasn’t trying to use Denise as a substitute for Annette to keep his bed warm for the holidays.
“I still plan to have some fun though. It will be like old times, just the six of us.” They walked to the elevator. “Have you gotten a chance to talk with Denise yet?”
Trent nodded. “Yeah.”
They stepped inside the elevator and Dante pushed the button for the top floor.
“Have you had the chance to tell her how you feel about her?”
“Not really. We didn’t talk long. Why?”
“I’m just curious. Boy, has she changed. That body of hers is spectacular.”
Trent frowned. “Stay away from her.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you’ve been flirting with her. Don’t confuse her.”
Dante chuckled. “I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re trying to say. Don’t blame me if you can’t win her back. She and I are just friends. Or have you forgotten that?”
Trent sighed, feeling stupid. “No, I haven’t forgotten, but I don’t remember you ever taking notice of her appearance before. She was just one of the guys to you.”
“She’s still one of the guys. Just because I didn’t say anything back then doesn’t mean I didn’t notice her. I didn’t flirt with her then and I’m certainly not flirting with her now. Denise is bright, funny, and loyal. And she’s in love with you, you big dummy. But you left her here in San Diego. How many times have you talked to her in seven years? Do you know if she’s the same little Dee you fell in love with or has she changed?”
Trent shrugged.
“For all we know she can be involved with someone else. Maybe you should find out before your feelings get hurt.”
The elevator door opened. Trent stepped out and Dante followed.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I have it from a very reliable source she’s dating the guy who runs the orphanage. You see, that’s what friends do. They find out things their lunk-headed friends don’t see because they’re afraid of getting hurt.”
Dante walked away from him. Who else could he have gotten the information from, except Denise?
Chapter Three
The tour of the Huntington Orphanage began early the next morning. Denise had invited the mayor and a lot of political dignitaries to the event. Most of them had agreed to put in an appearance. She had whipped her thick black hair into submission and had donned a nice navy suit and heels. She was busy giving last minute instructions to the hotel staff while waiting for Bernard and Keisha to join her so they could leave.
Trent and the others promised to be at the orphanage at nine, but the last time she saw them was at breakfast and they looked like they could still use some sleep.
Bernard and Keisha joined her in the lobby about a half hour later. Keisha looked pretty in a red suit. She bumped her brown hair under, trying to hide the fact that she too needed to go to the hairdresser later.
Bernard looked as fashionable as ever in his dark blue suit. The light blue shirt he wore beneath brought out the blueness in his eyes. He’d accessorized with silver jewelry, including a silver ring Enrique had given him. Bernard looked charming and well put together, but he had dark circles beneath his eyes which she assumed meant he’d spent the night in M. J.s’ suite or vise-versa.
“Come on, it’s time to get this show on the road,” Bernard said. “I’ve just spoken to Martin over at the orphanage and he said the guests have started to arrive.” He led them to the lobby door and she and Keisha followed him out to the waiting van.
Denise looked down at her watch. 8:00 am. The orphanage was a ten minute ride from the hotel, and if there wasn’t much traffic the driver had enough time to drop them off and return for Three-Ringed Circus.
Bernard climbed into the passenger seat next to the driver, while she and Keisha climbed in back. Moments later, they sped from the hotel enroute to the orphanage. The temperature outside had a bit of a December chill to it, not unpleasant and certainly not uncharacteristic for San Diego.
Most of the stores and businesses in the area were decorated for Christmas, reminding her that she still had to pick up gifts for Trent and the fellows after she left the beautician. She’d already finished shopping for her other gifts, and she wouldn’t have this to do had Bernard told her earlier that the band would be arriving.
“Are you nervous about Martin and Trent meeting each other?” Keisha asked when they finally arrived at the orphanage.
Denise shook her head. “No. Why should I be?”
“Because they are the two most important men in your life at the moment.”
“I thought I was the most important man in her life,” Bernard said from the front seat.
“Hell, no. You’re the biggest pain in my butt. I like men who can protect me from harm, not the kind who spend more time in the mirror than I do.”
“Mess with me, girl, and I’ll tear those tracks out by the roots.”
Denise smirked. Her hair was all natural so his threat rolled off her shoulder. “No, I’m not worried. But Bernard should be. Enrique is back in town and scheduled to perform tonight.”
“I’m not worried, girl friend. We broke up.”
Keisha guffawed. “You know the man still cares about you. And he’s very possessive of his little Bernard.”
“Ha! He’s moved on, Miss Keisha. And besides, we had an open relationship. He didn’t care if I dated someone else. I’m happy to be with M.J.”
“That’s what you said, but have you ever tried cheating on him?”
“No,” Bernard answered. “M. J.’s six feet tall and built solid. He can protect me.”
“So you and M. J. are dating now?” Denise asked. “What’s it been, a day?”
“Ooh, you are so jealous, Miss Thing. I have my act together. M. J. knows a good man when he sees one.”
“I wonder if he knows how high-maintenance you are. He’s going to pay to get your hair and nails done at least once a week, and spend a lot of money on your suits.”
The driver chuckled. There were no secrets around the hotel.
“Very funny, Dee. You’re just jealous I won’t give you the time of day.”
“I wear a watch and have better tastes,” Denise told him.
They climbed out of the van and walked to the front door of the orphanage. The outside of the place had been remodeled since her and the fellows left, but it still reminded her of home. There were an awful lot of people outside. They entered the front door and ste
pped into the lobby. The place was swarming with more people, including the news media. She found Martin speaking with some people from one of the news stations. He beckoned them over. He looked quite handsome in a black suit and gray shirt. He’d been running the orphanage for the last two years and had a high rate of placing the kids with families.
“This is Denise Stewart, an alumnus of Huntington, and she’s responsible for putting this benefit together.” He put his arm around her shoulders and stood beside her while she talked to the reporters. She introduced Bernard and Keisha and they too got their fifteen minutes of fame. Bernard also got a chance to plug his hotel after she finished talking about the benefit. “It’s going to be fun for the kids tonight with Santa putting in an appearance. Later we have some great bands lined up to perform.”
“I heard that Three-Ringed might put in an appearance tonight,” one of the reporters said. “Is there any truth to this?”
Damn, she’d hoped to keep it a secret. “Yes, they’re scheduled to perform.”
“Didn’t some of them grow up with you here?”
“Yes, all four of them did. And they’re in town to help raise money for the kids.”
“Are there still any tickets available for the benefit?” another reporter asked.
Denise shook her head. “No, I’m afraid not. But one of the local radio stations and some of the television stations will be there broadcasting for those who can’t attend.”
The mayor arrived and the news reporters set in on him and some of the people in his party, giving Denise time to breathe.
Martin squeezed her shoulders gently. “I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for the kids.” They walked away from the reporters and joined Bernard and Keisha.
“No thanks needed. It’s for the kids.” Maybe her past Christmases as a child would have been a little merrier if someone had done a benefit for them.
Martin took her hand in his. “And I’m looking forward to dancing with you tonight and meeting Three-Ringed Circus. I have all their CDs.”
“You’re going meet them soon. They’re on their way here now for the tour.”
Martin looked excited. “Here? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I just found out, and I wanted the fellows to see how much you’ve done for the place without fans here disrupting the benefit. Some fans have already found out they’re at the hotel and they’ve been hanging around trying to get a look at them.”
“Smart plan.”
The band arrived shortly after the first tour started. Martin had stayed behind with her, while Keisha and Bernard took the first tour.
Vince entered the lobby first. “Wow, will you look at this place. It looks like a palace compared to the way it looked when we were kids.”
Dante and M. J. entered behind him.
Denise waved them over. The three men dwarfed her and Martin. “Guys this is Martin Jefferson. He’s the new director of Huntington and a big fan of yours. Martin, this is Vince Nielson, Dante Valero, and Michael Julian.” It felt strange calling M. J. by his given name.
Martin extended his hand to M. J. first. “I’m so glad to meet you guys. Denise has told me so much about you. Where’s Trent?”
“He’s out front signing autographs. The fans have found out we’re here and they pounced on us as soon as we got out the van,” Dante said.
“And you just left him?” Denise asked.
“Heck yeah. He’s not as fast as we are and he has all that hair holding him down.”
Trent entered, looking lost and frustrated. He’d dressed up a bit putting a T-shirt under his vest so his sexy chest wouldn’t show. He also wore a pair of skin-tight jeans that left very little to the imagination.
Denise ran her tongue over her bottom lip. The man did look delectable. She walked over to him.
“I’m sorry I’m late. I got mobbed.” He ran his hand through his long brown hair to straighten it out.
“It’s okay. Come on. There’s someone I’d like you to meet.” They walked back over to the group. “Martin, this is Trent Lansing, the lead singer of Three-Ringed Circus. Trent, this is Martin Jefferson, the director of Huntington.”
Trent towered over the black man. He outweighed Martin too. Martin was a true businessman in every respect and she couldn’t ever recall the man not wearing a suit. Trent on the other hand liked jeans and T-shirts and probably had to have suits made for him since he was so broad in the shoulders and chest.
Another tour guide appeared and some other guests had arrived.
“I guess it’s our turn,” Martin said, taking her hand.
Her eyes followed the path of Trent’s gaze down to their conjoined hands. Then one light brown eyebrow raised in question. It didn’t make sense to remove her hand from his since Martin always held her hand. It had never felt uncomfortable before, since being around Martin was like being around Dante, even though Martin wanted it to be more. However now that she’d “reacquainted” her body with Trent, it just felt wrong. Not wanting to cause a scene, she just let him hold her hand, but knew it was time for her and Martin to have a serious talk that she had been putting off.
The tour began first at the administrative office and then on to the kitchen and cafeteria areas. Martin talked about how the orphanage could use a more up-to-date kitchen and appliances and it still had the same antiquated dishwasher it had back when they were kids. It still worked, but it was getting harder to find parts when it needed to be repaired.
The tour guide took them out to the play area. A few of the smaller kids were out on the sliding board and swings. Some of them looked in awe at the four large men accompanying her and Martin.
“Man, were we ever that little?” Vince asked.
Denise nodded. “Yes, we were.”
Trent left them and walked over to a big oak tree. The rest of them followed, including the tour guide. “We used to have a tire swing here.”
Denise did recall that. “I remember M. J. breaking his arm when he jumped from one of the limbs.”
“I’m trying not to remember that,” M. J. said with an embarrassed chuckle. “I had to wear a cast all summer.”
“Our initials are still here too,” Trent said.
Martin walked over to see. There was a heart carved into the trunk, with the initials T. L. and D. S. inside it. “How old were you guys back then?”
“Eight,” Denise answered. She looked over at Trent and smiled. “He was my knight in shining armor.”
Trent smiled back at her.
“We better go meet the kids,” Denise said.
The tour guide led them to the dorms. Boys were housed on one side of the building and girls on the other. Each dorm room had three sets of bunk beds, which meant six kids to a room. Children under six were housed in another location. Some of the older kids recognized the members of the band. Trent and the others passed out CDs and gave autographs. The media ate it up, shooting videos and showing a warmer side to the heavy metal band. The reporters asked them questions about growing up at Huntington and what was their wish for the orphanage in the future. The band members were perfect spokesmen for the orphanage.
There was a small social in the cafeteria where punch, finger sandwiches, and cake were served. Afterwards they all piled into the van. The driver dropped her and Keisha at the beauty salon and took the guys back to the hotel to hang out at the pool.
“That went fairly well,” Keisha said at the beauty salon. “But whose hand will you be holding tonight?”
Chapter Four
Denise walked around poolside dressed in jeans and a T-shirt while the guys swam around in the pool. They tried to encourage her to join them and she fussed at them for thinking she wanted to mess up her hair.
Keisha had a short hairdo now so she didn’t have to wear curlers. She went back to work behind the front desk so she could have the night off. Afterwards she’d drive home to get dressed and then leave for the benefit with Jerome.
The twins, Jose and Juan, fou
nd her just as she headed toward the pool area with a tray holding a pitcher of lemonade and sandwiches for them to enjoy. Juan took the tray from her, while Jose sidled up to her and talked to her as they walked.
“How is the benefit coming along?”
“It’s coming along fine. You’ll see for yourself tonight.”
Both Juan and Jose came to them from Huntington’s and she’d invited them because it was the first chance to dress up and socialize.