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Young and Restless Page 13

“One of the best,” Yori said. “But he’s a bit shy. His wife is trying to get him over it. As for the farmhouse, that is where we all grew up when we were training to be idols. Our boss, Goro Niigata, had it built. It’s a big home with many rooms and it’s on a large property that used to be a farm.”

  “It sounds like a very nice place to grow up. So Ichiro is married?”

  Yori nodded. “And he has two sons, Raiden and Ryoto. They’re nearly a year old.”

  “You sound so proud of them,” Dolisa said.

  “I am. They are the first kids born to our group.”

  “What’s his wife like?”

  “Shaundra? She’s very kind and wonderful. She’s a little older than Ichiro, but they have chemistry.”

  “You are a romantic. I would like to meet her too. She sounds like fun. Will she be at the concert?”

  Yori shook his head. “No. Shaundra is a writer and she’s in the United States because one of her books is being turned into a movie.”

  “She’s a writer? What does she write…mysteries?”

  “Erotic romance,” Yori answered.

  “Oh!” Dolisa said. She smiled sweetly. “I have read some of those novels.” She took out her cell phone. “What is her pen name?”

  “Shaundra Morrison.” He spelled out her first name for Dolisa.

  “Is this her?” Dolisa turned the cell phone toward him.

  “Yes, that’s her.”

  “She does not look Japanese,” Dolisa said.

  “No, that’s because she’s an American. There have been instances when we date outside of our race,” Yori said.

  “You mean, like my parents? And you and me?”

  Yori nodded. “What are your parents like?”

  “My father is the best father in the world. He has a coffee plantation. And my mother is a lot like me. She does a lot of volunteer work. That is how they met. She was here visiting from America. My father said he took one look at her and fell in love.”

  “I can certainly understand that,” Yori said.

  Dolisa blushed. “What are your parents like?”

  “They are both musicians and they play in a symphony orchestra. They were very strict when I was growing up. I was their only child and they made me take music lessons and kept me sheltered.” He’d never confess this much about himself to anyone, except maybe Mr. Niigata.

  “How did they let you become an idol?”

  “I performed for an entertainment manager and a scout when I was in school and they wanted to sign me to a contract. At first, my parents were really against it, and then my father decided that it would broaden my skills. It was only supposed to be a temporary thing, but it’s been quite a few years.”

  “And do they still want you to be a classical musician?” Dolisa asked.

  “Yes,” Yori said. “That was one of the reasons I was on the beach. I am getting older now and my idol days will be ending soon. I was just out walking trying to find out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.”

  “And have you decided?” Dolisa asked.

  Yori nodded. “It includes you.”

  The waiter brought their food to the table and ended the conversation. Dolisa looked confused.

  “We will have beautiful babies,” Dolisa said out of the blue.

  Yori looked across the table to see if she was teasing. She wasn’t. “You want to have beautiful babies with me?”

  Dolisa nodded. “I don’t know why, but I think we have chemistry too, like Shaundra and Ichiro. I think we are going to be dating long after you leave Spain.”

  Yori would like that too, but she lived in Barcelona and he, Osaka.

  “I know what you are thinking,” Dolisa said. “Sometimes long distance relationships do work, and I’m not opposed to seeing your country. I hear it is very beautiful there when the cherry blossoms bloom.”

  Yori ate his meal. “It happens in the spring.” He had a feeling that Dolisa would be in Osaka just in time to see it happen.


  Satoshi was waiting for Yori when he returned. “Okay, I know something is up. You’ve been sneaking in and out of this hotel more than Takumijo. What’s going on?”

  “Yes, I’ve noticed it too,” Takumijo said. They were all in the restaurant waiting for Distraction and the rest of their entourage to come down for dinner.

  “I met a woman,” Yori answered.

  “Oh, a booty call,” Ichiro said sarcastically. “Why am I not surprised?”

  Yori snarled at him. “No, it was not a booty call. Her name is Dolisa Torres and I met her at the beach yesterday.”

  “You went to the beach without us?” Ichiro asked.

  Yori nodded. “She’s an artist and she invited me to an art show today.”

  “Is she pretty?” Satoshi asked.

  “She’s very pretty,” Yori answered. “I’ve invited her to our concert on Saturday night.”

  “Oh, then she must be someone special,” Takumijo replied.

  “She is,” Yori agreed. “She’s funny and talented and she keeps me laughing.”

  “You, laughing?” Satoshi asked. “She must be the one if she can get you to do that. But how are you going to date her after we leave Spain?”

  “I’ll find a way,” Yori said. “I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

  “Flying back and forth can get expensive,” Ichiro said. “Unless you buy a jet or get a pilot’s license like Yi-jun.”

  Satoshi frowned at him. “You would have to mention his name.”

  Ichiro apologized. “Sorry, but it’s the truth.”

  “Just don’t introduce her to Yi-jun,” Satoshi said.

  “You need to take your own advice,” Yori said to him.

  “I plan to in the future,” Satoshi replied. “My relationship with him is so over.”

  “Have you heard from Akemi since she left?” Ichiro asked.

  Satoshi shook his head. “No, and I don’t want to. I’ve given up on those types of women. I’m looking for an old-fashioned girl with morals and values.”

  The others looked at him and laughed.

  Yori didn’t think it was that funny. “I think I’ve met her,” Yori said. “She’s the girl next door.”

  Satoshi looked at him oddly. “She is?”

  Yori nodded. “She didn’t get excited when she found out who I was. She didn’t ask about how much money I make and she took me to her home and gave me coffee to drink and didn’t try to spike it.”

  “She sounds like the girl next door to me,” Ichiro said.

  “Does she have a sister?” Satoshi asked.

  “I don’t know, but she has a best friend named Maria who she is bringing to the concert with her.”

  The rest of their group started arriving and ended their conversation. Yori had already eaten, but he didn’t want Masaaki to know that he had snuck out of the hotel. He chose something light and would dance all the food off at the concert on Saturday.


  Once again, Cristal was amazed by the amount of people that showed up for the concert. When they first arrived at the arena, the lines were blocks long. Her godfather, Goro Niigata, would be over-joyed at the sight. But he was back in Osaka recovering from a heart attack. She had called yesterday to check on him and he told her that he was getting better. Cristal hoped that he was.

  Things were hectic backstage. It took a lot to put on a show of this size. The stage managers were busy trying to get the idols into costume and makeup, and it didn’t help matters that Ken Chikako was there with his entourage filming everything and trying to get a moment to interview some of the performers. He’d even stuck a mic in her face and asked her some questions. He was in the dressing room earlier with Aomori, talking to them while Terrie was busy working on getting Aomori’s makeup on their faces correctly. Ichiro looked a bit annoyed, but he answered the man’s questions. Ken also interviewed the members of Distraction. Kioshi and Hiroyuki answered quickly, while Izanagi posed for the camera.

/>   Saburo ushered his group off to the greenroom and Cristal followed just in case Takumijo got angry enough at Ken to run him out of the dressing room.

  There were entertainers everywhere. Dancers walked around half-dressed, which always caught Izanagi’s attention.

  The promoters had set up food and drink in the room for the idols and their people. Neither Aomori nor Distraction ever ate too heavily before a performance. That’s why Masaaki took everyone out to dinner after every performance.

  “It’s almost show time,” Masaaki said to her and Saburo just after he ushered Aomori into the room. “We better get to our seats. The stage managers can handle these guys.”

  Kioshi waved to Cristal as she was about to leave. He looked so cute.

  “I’ll see you after the show,” Cristal said to him. “Make those women swoon.”

  He smiled at her, nearly stealing her breath away.

  “You’re blushing,” Satoshi said to her as she passed him.

  “I’m not. Have a good show.” She left the room and followed Masaaki and Saburo out of the room, down the hall and finally into the arena. There were two young women seated in the row reserved for Aomori. Cristal wondered if they were someone’s guest or if they were just sitting in the wrong seats.

  Masaaki didn’t wonder, he just went over to them and asked. He returned smiling. “They are friends of Yori.”

  Cristal peeked at them again. Both young women were of Hispanic descent, but one of them looked like she had a black parent, just like her. She bet that was the one Yori was messing with. She was the more subdued of the two while the other had that fan girl look to her. Yori would probably introduce them after the show. How he met her Cristal hadn’t a clue, but she bet the story would be interesting.

  The MC finally appeared on stage and the show began. There would be several other acts performing before Aomori, so she just got comfortable and watched. Distraction would be on stage last this time. They often switched it up so each group could watch the other perform and be a part of the audience.

  Terrie finally finished with everyone’s makeup and came out and sat by her in the seat Shaundra usually occupied. Cristal was getting used to the young man and Takumijo just adored him.

  “Did I miss much?” Terrie asked.

  “No, it just got started. There were some announcements in Spanish.”

  “Good,” Terrie said. “Usually I miss half of the show trying to get everyone in makeup on time. The idols were being very cooperative.”

  Cristal smirked. Kioshi was usually one of the trouble makers. His hair had to be just right.

  The lights were lowered and the show continued with a hip-hop group Keiichi Niigata had been growing for a couple of years now. They were very good, but not a headline act yet. There was a brief intermission after a comic’s act and then the MC announced Aomori.

  “Coming all the way from Osaka, Japan. Ladies and gentlemen, Aomori.”

  The curtains opened and Yori and the others appeared dressed in black pants and vests with white shirts like mariachi musicians wore. They had red boutonnières on their lapels to bring out the color. The new costumes were designed by Saburo. Aomori’s regular costumer, Mrs. Ito, didn’t seem to mind and actually liked working with the younger man. No doubt, Aomori was making a fashion statement and every teenager in the world would copy them.

  Aomori started off performing one of their new songs. It was in Spanish and Yori sang the lead.

  Cristal peeked down at the two women. Both looked absolutely amazed by the four young Japanese men performing in their native language. Yori usually had that effect on women. The crowd applauded after the song ended. The next song was a fast dance number and Takumijo showcased his fantastic dancing skills.

  Terrie danced in his seat and cheered his man on. He looked so cute and Cristal liked his enthusiasm.

  Satoshi and Ichiro rocked the house with their latest collaboration. It was a soulful tune where they both took turns singing lead while Yori and Takumijo sang backup.

  Cristal didn’t think there was a dry eye in the house after Ichiro sang the lullaby he’d composed for Shaundra, and as an added bonus, the screen behind them featured pictures of the babies, as well as Shaundra and Ichiro. It was taken at the boys’ christening earlier this year. Cristal sighed. She missed Shaundra. By this time next year she and Kioshi could be christening their child. She sighed again. She was no closer at deciding what to do as she had been in Madrid.

  There was another intermission followed by some more acts after Aomori left the stage. All four young men came out and joined them in the audience. Yori sat down between the two young women. The one on the left kissed him on the cheek. Cristal smiled. She had been right. The two of them made a nice couple.

  The lights were lowered again and the MC returned. “Ladies and gentlemen, representing the United States and Osaka, Japan, Distraction!”

  The curtains were raised and this time Niigata Entertainment’s young princes of pop appeared dressed as bullfighters in tight red knee pants with a wide gold sash around their waists. Their long-sleeved red jackets also had a touch of gold around the lapels. They too sang a song in Spanish before going into a fast number. The crowd was on their feet as Hiroyuki sang the next song. Both young men and women screamed to him.

  Izanagi was up next with a playful tune Kioshi had written for him. He got the fans involved and participating while he sang.

  Distraction’s dancing was as spectacular as ever and Cristal supposed Aomori was a lot like them when they were younger. They were still great dancers, but no match for Distraction. Hiroyuki’s choreography kept the performers moving around the stage.

  Kioshi danced over to the middle mic and the music changed to something slower. Five minutes into his performance the women started storming the stadium as they tried to get to him. It was a good thing Saburo and Masaaki anticipated that this would happen and had hired more security. Kioshi never stopped singing or gyrating his hips.

  Cristal fanned herself. He even had her feeling hot and bothered. And it didn’t stop there because Distraction’s next number was just as slow and sexy and featured all three voices in harmony. The fan girls still hovered near the stage and kept the security on their feet. So fucking sexy. Cristal was glad she hadn’t said that aloud. Her cougar had awakened as she watched her young lover seducing the audience with their new rhythm and blues number. By the end of their performance, the crowd was rocking and flashing their blue lights to show alliance to the group. Cristal was a bag of nerves by the end of the show. How could she put an end to this by keeping the baby?

  Ichiro turned around and looked at her as if reading her mind. He smiled at her. Cristal relaxed. The twins hadn’t ruined his career. In fact, the fans loved him more because of it. Would it be the same for Kioshi? She didn’t want him to look back with regret.

  Satoshi took her hand after the crowd started to thin out. “Let’s go congratulate your man on another spectacular performance,” he said to her.

  “You guys were great too,” Cristal said. “I like your costume. It makes you look so sexy.”

  “Thanks,” Satoshi said.

  “Who are the young women with Yori?”

  “Someone that he just met and her friend,” Satoshi answered.

  Yori introduced the young women when they got backstage.

  Satoshi had stopped holding her hand by then.

  “Cristal and Satoshi, I’d like you to meet Dolisa Torres and her friend Maria Mendez. Ladies, this is our publicist Cristal Gentry and Aomori’s piano man and percussionist, Satoshi Hayashi.”

  Cristal shook the young women’s hands. The one holding Yori’s hand smiled at her. “It’s nice to meet you, ladies,” Cristal said.

  “I hope you speak English,” Satoshi said to Maria.

  “I speak it very well, Satoshi,” Maria said. “You’re so cute.”

  Cristal chuckled. At least two of the guys were going to have fun while they were in Barcelona.
br />   It took a long while for the members of Distraction to appear. They had changed out of their costumes and wore their street clothes. The news reporters ganged up on them as they appeared and Cristal had to wait until the interviews ended before getting next to Kioshi.

  Kioshi didn’t try to hug her for fear that the media would make too much of their relationship.

  “You guys were fantastic,” Cristal said to them. “Barcelona loves you.”

  Yori introduced Maria and Dolisa to Hiroyuki, Izanagi and finally Kioshi.

  Kioshi then whisked her away from the rest of the people. “I love you,” he said. “You look so beautiful. Can I spend some time with you later?”

  Cristal thought about him gyrating on stage. Performing usually made Kioshi horny. Watching him made her that way too. “Yes, I’d be delighted. I can’t wait for this evening to end.”

  Kioshi gave her a colossal smile. “We just have to pose for some pictures and then we can leave.” He paused. “Who are those pretties with Yori?”

  “His new girlfriend and her best friend,” Cristal answered. “The one who looks like me is his new woman and the other one could possibly be Satoshi’s rebound lover.”

  Kioshi chuckled. “You’re so wicked.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Cristal said. “But you love me for being that way.”

  “I sure do,” Kioshi said. “I’d kiss you, but I don’t want to give the media a free show.”

  “Perfectly understandable,” Cristal said. “You can kiss me all you want when we get back to the hotel.”


  Making love to Cristal was all Kioshi had been thinking about for days. And he had finally figured out what was wrong with her. He might be young but he knew how to use the internet, so he Googled her symptoms and learned that they were going to be parents. Cristal had also forgotten to put away her prenatal vitamins and he had seen the bottle in the bathroom in her hotel room. He wondered why she hadn’t told him yet.

  The first thing they did when they returned to the hotel was shower together. Now, they were both buck naked and in bed. Cristal had a couple of pillows propped behind her head and he was busy kissing his way up one of her long shapely legs. The music he had chosen set the mood. He’d learned early that he could never go wrong with songs by Barry White or Silk. Kioshi made his way up her thigh.